Hi, Galaxy Developers, Is anybody out there managing a Galaxy environment that was designed and or has been tested to support 35 concurrent users? The reason why I am asking this is because we [the U of C] have a training session coming up this Thursday, and the environment we have deployed needs to support this number of users. We have put the server under as high as stress as possible with 6 users, and Galaxy has performed fine, however it has proven somewhat challenging to do load testing for all 35 concurrent users prior to the workshop. I can't help but feel we are rolling the dice a little bit as we've never put the server under anything close to this load level, so I figured I would try to dot my i's by sending an email to this list. Here are the configuration changes that are currently implemented (in terms of trying to performance tune and web scale our galaxy server): 1) Enabled proxy load balancing with six web front-ends (the number six pulled from Galaxy wiki) (Apache): <Proxy balancer://galaxy/> BalancerMember BalancerMember BalancerMember BalancerMember BalancerMember BalancerMember </Proxy> 2) Rewrite static URLs for static content (Apache): RewriteRule ^/static/style/(.*) /group/galaxy/galaxy-dist/static/uchicago_cri_august_2012_style/blue/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/static/scripts/(.*) /group/galaxy/galaxy-dist/static/scripts/packed/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/static/(.*) /group/galaxy/galaxy-dist/static/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/robots.txt /group/galaxy/galaxy-dist/static/robots.txt [L] RewriteRule ^(.*) balancer://galaxy$1 [P] 3) Enabled compression and caching (Apache): <Location "/"> SetOutputFilter DEFLATE SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:t?gz|zip|bz2)$ no-gzip dont-vary </Location> <Location "/static"> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 6 hours" </Location> 4) Configured web scaling (universe_wsgi.ini) : a) six web server processes (threadpool_workers = 7) b) a single job manager (threadpool_workers = 5) c) two job handlers (threadpool_workers = 5) 5) Configured a pbs_mom external job runner (our cluster), and commented out the default tool runners (to use pbs) (we are not using the other tools for the workshop). #ucsc_table_direct1 = local:/// #ucsc_table_direct_archaea1 = local:/// #ucsc_table_direct_test1 = local:/// #upload1 = local:/// 6) Changed the following database parameters (universe_wsgi.ini): database_engine_option_pool_size = 10 database_engine_option_max_overflow = 20 7) Disable the developer settings (universe_wsgi.ini): debug = False use_interactive = False #filter-with = gzip The server I have is a VM with the following resources: 2GB of RAM 4CPU Cores I feel that it is also worthwhile to mention that users will not be downloading datasets during the workshop, so as of now, the implementation of "XSendFile" as specified in the Apache Proxy documentation is not of immediate concern. Does anybody see any blaring mistakes where they think this configuration might fall short with respect to capacity planning for an environment of 35 concurrent users, or additional tuning that could potentially assist in ensuring the availability of the server during the workshop? Thank-you so much for your opinion(s), and please wish us luck this Thursday :-) Dan Sullivan