Hi, I would like to remove the "multiplexed" menu from the nglims sample information form. How would I do that? In our lab, we don't want submitters making their own libraries since they might accidentally use the same barcodes or somehow mess up others' libraries. We want to remove that option altogether.
Good idea. I added a flag to the nglims.yaml file so you can specify whether barcode multiplexing is available or not: https://bitbucket.org/chapmanb/galaxy-central/src/62f7dc3864535e68af7aa2a7ef... setting `available: false` will turn off the option for the user to select and add this. If you update from the latest in bitbucket it will have this change. I also synchronized with the most recent galaxy-dist, so an update will pull in those changes as well.
Actually along the same lines, we would like to remove all "services needed" check boxes too and simply have all of the data entry on one page.
Moving to a single page entry would be a big change from the current wizard approach. You can control what services are available by default using the `default` flag in the nglims.yaml: https://bitbucket.org/chapmanb/galaxy-central/src/62f7dc3864535e68af7aa2a7ef... Currently sequencing is the only one selected by default but you can add others if they're commonly used to make the submission process easier for users. Hope this helps, Brad