29 Oct
29 Oct
12:24 a.m.
Hello, My name is yoong in korean Student I try to use the program namd mapsplice2 on galaxy, but when i write the xml file, i got a problom... the xml file located same place with mapspclie.py And mapsplice has not single output file, so i put the -o option like this python /home/yoong/galaxy/tools/MapSplice-v2.1.9/mapsplice.py -o $alignments.files_path -p 10 --qual-scale phred33 --bam --fusion -c /home/yoong/1_reference/hg19 -x /home/yoong/1_reference/BowtieIndex -1 $input_reads_1 -2 $input_reads_2 the mapsplice2 needs 2 input file, and 2 referens file , then make 8 output files include log folder. if i use that command, result has came out, but it's alwasy failed ... T_T Thank you so much ! Have a nice day !