Aminah Keliet wrote:
Thank you for these informations. I try to set "RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https" in Apache config, but i get one error such as: " serve() got an unexpected keyword argument 'RequestHeader'". I think that this parameter isn't on the good place. Where is the file which must contain this parameter (RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https)?
Hi Aminah, Did you set this in universe_wsgi.ini? It belongs in your Apache config file, the path to which varies by installation but it's often httpd.conf or apache.conf in /etc/apache, /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd. I assumed you were serving via an Apache proxy since you are already using https? Is this not the case? I haven't tried to make Galaxy serve https directly although I imagine it's possible since Paste (Galaxy's web framework) supports it. --nate