Thank you, I will go through the resources and will reply my results to this email chain.  


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:39 PM, Greg Von Kuster <> wrote:
Hello Janaki,

Thanks for clarifying that you have installed your tools from a Tool Shed.  In this case, functional tests do not use Galaxy's tool_conf.xml.sample, so changing it will make no difference.  For information about running functional tests on tools installed from the Tool Shed, see:

Basically, you'll be doing the following.  The functional test framework is not currently set up to test a specific installed tool using a -id flag.  You'll have to use just the -installed flagg which will end up testing all installed tools.

export GALAXY_TOOL_DEPENDENCY_DIR=tool_dependencies;  sh -installed

Greg Von Kuster

On Mar 27, 2014, at 8:58 AM, Janaki Rama Rao Gollapudi <> wrote:


Thanks for reply. I composed a details email for better clarity. 

when run grep command in galaxy home folder ( ./ -list | grep barcode-parse), I got no results. 
What I did was:        
  • Implemented a custom tool (It has one python script and tool definition file. These files are located in ../tools/Mytools/customToolName/)
  • Then run the ToolShed in my local which is running on port 9009 (I have)
  • Created a new repository in the ToolShed (which is running on 9009) and uploaded .py and .xml files in to it
  • Now I run the galaxy (running on port 8080) and browse the my custom tool from my local galaxy and install the custom tool successfully
  • And "shed_tool_conf.xml" file updated with new section: 
    • <section id="mTools" name="MyTools" version="">
    •   <tool file="xxx.xx.x.xx/repos/janakiram-t1/barcode_parse_1/b6a60d02b1a2/barcode_parse_1/barcode-      parse.xml" guid="xxx.xx.x.xx:9009/repos/janakiram-t1/barcode_parse_1/barcode-parse/1.0.0">
    •       <tool_shed></tool_shed>
    •         <repository_name>barcode_parse_1</repository_name>
    •         <repository_owner>janakiram-t1</repository_owner>
    •         <installed_changeset_revision>b6a60d02b1a2</installed_changeset_revision>
    •         <id></id>
    •         <version>1.0.0</version>
    •     </tool>
    • </section>

  • My tool definition  file look likes below:
    • <tool id="barcode-parse" name="Barcode parse">
    •     <description>some description</description>    
    •     <command interpreter="python"> $input1 $input2 $output</command>
    •     <inputs>
    •         <param format="input" name="input1" type="text" size="50" label="barcode" help="Enter barcode">
    •  <validator type="empty_field" message="please enter barcode"/>
    • </param>
    • <param format="input" name="input2" type="text" size="50" label="Expected format" help="Enter format to parse barcode">
    • <validator type="empty_field" message="please enter expected format barcode"/> 
    • </param>
    •     </inputs>
    •     <outputs>
    •         <data format="txt" name="output" />  
    •     </outputs>
    •     <tests>
    •        <test>
    •          <param name="input1" value="test-01-sample-test-02-sampl1-test-03-sample3"/>
    •          <param name="input2" value="name-id"/>
    •          <output name="output" file="barcode-parse.txt"/>
    •        </test>
    •     </tests>
    •     <help>
    •        Parse the barcode into expected format
    •     </help>
    • </tool>
As galaxy using  tool_conf.xml.sample, this file has no section for my custom tool. I have added a section manually like below:

 <section name="MyTools" id="mTools">
   <tool file="myTools/barcode-parse/barcode-parse.xml" />

Then my tool id found when I run the grep command. After that Then I run the below command to run the test cases:

sh -id barcode-parse

But I got below out put (from the run_functional_tests.html)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'test_toolbox:TestForTool_barcode-parse'

Am I doing anything wrong.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Greg Von Kuster <> wrote:
As Janaki replied below, see:

On Mar 27, 2014, at 7:15 AM, Janaki Rama Rao Gollapudi <> wrote:


I have added tests to tool dependency xml, but how should I run these tests, can you please help me to run test cases. 

         <param name="input1" value="some string"/>
         <param name="input2" value="expected format"/>
         <output name="output" file="output.txt"/>


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Janaki Rama Rao Gollapudi <> wrote:

I found below resources:

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:53 PM, Janaki Rama Rao Gollapudi <> wrote:

I have implemented a custom tool which will parse a given string in to expected format. Installed this custom tool into galaxy and was able to run successfully. 

I would like to add test cases to this tool, can you please provide me resources to write test cases for this custom tool. 

Is this tool need functional, unit, integration test cases ? I am not sure about which test cases needed for this tool. 


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