Dear Galaxy Team,

I have already contacted IgV about this issue and they say that I needed to contact you.  I have had and instance of IgV shared with me for some time and it has worked as recently as last week.  However, even last week the data was only loading approximately 25% of the time and now will not load at all.  Could you please explain the error that I am getting below and what can be done to correct them.  Unfortunately the individual who created and shared these files is no longer in the lab so I do not have direct access to the data.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


-Paul Hillman-

Errors were encountered loading the session:
&nbs;p org.broad.igv.exceptions.DataLoadException: HTTP access error (status code 500)
&nbs;p org.broad.igv.exceptions.DataLoadException: HTTP access error (status code 500)