Hello there As the subject hints, I am trying to export histories through the API. Doing it through the web interface is a breeze, but has it been implemented in the API yet? I could not find anything about it in the examples or by searching the web/this list. I am planning to only use Galaxy through the API to import my data and run some workflows on it, and then export the results. Preferably specific files from the history, but a bundled history like the one you get from the web interface 'Export history' would be ok as well. Has anyone done something like this, and can point me in the right direction? :) Mvh Martin Dahlö --- Bioinformatic support martin.dahlo@scilifelab.uu.se +46 18 611 59 59 +46 706 70 79 55 http://www.scilifelab.uu.se/ http://www.uppnex.uu.se ---