I have some code that needs to dynamically retrieve files via the Galaxy web server. When I try an html "get" using "some.file" I receive the following error: "Could not find 'some.file' on the extra files path." When I specify "/some.file" I receive the following error: "This link may not be followed from within Galaxy." [returned by root.py] * What/where is this "extra files path"? * How can I retrieve files via the Galaxy server relative to its root? [baseurl does not seem to work for me.] Dean A. Snyder Senior Programmer/Analyst Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR) Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Bayview Research Campus 333 Cassell Dr, Triad Bldg, Suite 2000 Baltimore, MD 21224 cell:717 668-3048 office:410-550-4629 www.cidr.jhmi.edu