
Both datasets can be loaded and the "custom reference genome" option used with the tool 'Fetch Sequences -> Extract Genomic DNA". Details about custom genomes are grouped here in our:

To be specific, on the "Extract" tool form, you will use the option: "Source for Genomic Data:" as  "History", then for the new menu option "Using reference file:", select the fasta dataset of your genome from your active history.

If you have trouble, be sure to double check that your formats match those required by the tool (listed on tool's form). Detailed custom genome troubleshooting help is in the wiki above and file format troubleshooting help is here, including links to data specifications:
(start here, more help in following sections, same wiki)


Galaxy team

On 12/19/12 8:19 AM, shamsher jagat wrote:
I have a bacterial genome from ncbi and woulld like to extract seq from the corresponding fasta file of bacterial genome. Since i have list of coordinates so would not be possible to extract one by one. Is there any interface within galxy that i can use.


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Jennifer Jackson