On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Peter <peter@maubp.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
Hi all,
Something I expect to find useful in several analysis pipelines is a Galaxy wrapper for the NCBI BLAST+ tools (or even the old NCBI "legacy" BLAST tools if such a wrapper exists).
I've been looking over the tools in galaxy-dist and galaxy-central and the only NCBI BLAST wrapper I can see is for MEGABLAST, under tools/metag_tools.
Is there some more general NCBI BLAST+ wrappers that I have missed? Or is anyone already working on this?
Hi all, I met Björn Grüning (CC'd) from the University of Freiburg Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics at a workshop last week, and they had a few simple BLAST+ wrappers setup. If I recall correctly, all their databases were nucleotide databases. For configuration, Björn re-used the existing blastdb.loc file that comes with Galaxy for the NGS megablast_wrapper tool. However, that (currently) only holds nucleotide BLAST databases - and we would need to have separate lists for nucleotide, protein, and RPS-BLAST protein domain databases. I would suggest either: (a) Add new loc files specific to proteins and rpsblast or: (b) Extend the blastdb.loc format to include a fourth column giving the database type (which can default to nucleotide). What would the Galaxy team prefer? Thanks, Peter