Hi All I've been trying to get a local galaxy running with an assortment of tools for a local researcher. I'm a linux administrator rather than a bioinformatics researcher and am familiar with how repo's work for RedHat, R and the like. I've built tools for other groups at work and from my reading it looked like galaxy was working on similar lines for keeping things in step. I've done a git clone of 16.10 into /galaxy altered the galaxy.ini to postgresql and added me as admin. Done the sh run.sh to get a feel for how everything goes together. I've pulled reference genomes from the source and have had some success converting to different formats. I bumped up against a few dependency issues so I've also enabled the test repo. The first stumbling block on the most recent build is getting bwa on there with the data manager route - it has a dependency on bwa 0.7.15, but try as I might I don't seem to be able to find an instance of package_bwa_0.7.15 anywhere on the devteam repo's to get over this hurdle. I'm guessing I'm missing something really simple as it isn't pulling in dependancies as the documentation suggests it should. I'd be really grateful for any pointers. Bryan