On Aug 24, 2010, at 6:12 PM, Davide Cittaro wrote:
On Aug 24, 2010, at 5:06 PM, Nate Coraor wrote:
Hi Leandro,
You can do so with:
hg pull -u -r 60448575467f http://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-central
Mmm... after the upgrade and restart of the instance I get:
$ sh manage_db.sh upgrade 51 -> 52...
Ive solved changing line 65 in 0052 upgrade script into this: if r[1] and type(r[1]) is str: The result of the query was pretty empty, anyway: # SELECT id, dataset_files FROM sample; id | dataset_files ----+--------------- 3 | [] 4 | [] 5 | [] 1 | [] 2 | [] (5 rows) After this upgrade I still have issues with bigwig and UCSC... I'll send a separate mail, tomorrow... d /* Davide Cittaro Cogentech - Consortium for Genomic Technologies via adamello, 16 20139 Milano Italy tel.: +39(02)574303007 e-mail: davide.cittaro@ifom-ieo-campus.it */