Hi Paul, Sean, On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Paul Gordon <gordonp@ucalgary.ca> wrote:
Excellent idea, and the BibTeX comment makes sense too...
I'm glad there is enthusiasm for the basic idea :) However, while I am a LaTeX and BibTeX user and fan, I really don't think BibTex is an appropriate choice for embedding a citation within the Galaxy tool XML files. Let's face it, BibTeX is not mainstream and would be an additional hurdle for tool authors to add their citations. I think it has to be XML based. Now this could be something incredibly simple, with just a DOI tag/attribute and a plain text citation string. But I suspect there is a suitable existing XML standard we should adopt. Maybe citations using RDFa? http://wiki.digitalclassicist.org/Citations_with_added_RDFa Peter