Hello, I am designing some test and I have a problem, it works under the Galaxy web environment, but it doesn't work when I try to use it as a test case. Indeed I am trying other tests and they fail as well. My test *./run_tests.sh -framework -id parallelism_bam_filter_reads* says the next: ====================================================================== ERROR: filter reads ( parallelism_bam_filter_reads ) > Test-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 268, in test_tool self.do_it( td ) File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 55, in do_it raise e RunToolException: Error creating a job for these tool inputs - {u'type': u'error', u'data': {u'input': u'History does not include a dataset of the required format / build'}} And the other test *./run_tests.sh -framework -id compare_bam_as_sam* ====================================================================== ERROR: compare_bam_as_sam ( compare_bam_as_sam ) > Test-1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 268, in test_tool self.do_it( td ) File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/functional/test_toolbox.py", line 37, in do_it stage_data_in_history( galaxy_interactor, testdef.test_data(), test_history, shed_tool_id ) File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/base/interactor.py", line 38, in stage_data_in_history upload_wait() File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/base/interactor.py", line 279, in wait while not self.__history_ready( history_id ): File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/base/interactor.py", line 297, in __history_ready return self._state_ready( state, error_msg="History in error state." ) File "/home/ralonso/galaxy/test/base/interactor.py", line 356, in _state_ready raise Exception( error_msg ) Exception: History in error state. -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- Besides than it tries to migrate the database each time I try a test case and it takes too long. I have seen that you can use --db postgres but it doesn't work, I think this option should be user with --dockerize (that is not my case). would you have any idea of what is going on? Best regards -- Roberto Alonso Functional Genomics Unit Bioinformatics and Genomics Department Prince Felipe Research Center (CIPF) C./Eduardo Primo Yúfera (Científic), nº 3 (junto Oceanografico) 46012 Valencia, Spain Tel: +34 963289680 Ext. 1021 Fax: +34 963289574 E-Mail: ralonso@cipf.es