On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Alexander Kurze <alexander.kurze@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there,
we have a 32 core server but I realised that a lot of programs are only using a fraction of that. I was able to adjust bowtie, bowtie2 and Tophat to use all of the cores but couldn't find an thread/core option for Macs14, Macs2 or PeakRanger. Does anyone know if these programs are capable of multi threading? If yes, where do I adjust it? Would be nice to have some global parameter set in the universewgsi.ini file.
A more configurable thread setting has come up several times - something that could integrate nicely with cluster back ends for scheduling would be ideal. Some of my wrappers use $NSLOTS if set, and if not default to four threads. This works very nicely under SGE where you can set the thread count via the runner settings in universewgsi.ini - but this is not really general enough. For now however, you do generally have to tweak the wrappers as you have done to edit any hard coded thread setting :( Peter