On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Roberto Alonso CIPF <ralonso@cipf.es> wrote:
Ok, no problems ;) It is another PR, I think it is useful without the other PR, for example when you map with BWA. The last PR will be like the next step, I mean for example that you split a bam to do some calling or whatever. I think both PR can live independently and together... I don't know if I self-explained well :)
Logically splitting BAM files and merging BAM files are separate tasks, and separate pull-requests make sense to me. e.g. Splitting FASTQ files for read mapping, then merging the BAM output. Splitting BAM files for SNP calling, then merging the VCF output. (Splitting BAM files is the more complex case, especially as often you don't really want to touch the BAM file but rather split the processing and exploit the BAI index - e.g. split a BED file of regions instead) Peter