cannot open No such file
The tool has a multiple select field:
<param name="input_pdbs" type="data" multiple="true" format="pdb" label="PDB Files" />
On the job details, the select files on the multiple select (there are on my history already), are showed at the Job command line as follow:
python /home/alexandre/mestrado/protpred-galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/analysis/ -i [< object at 0x7f4e1a653290>, < object at 0x7f4e1a653bd0>, < object at 0x7f4e1a653d90>, < object at 0x7f4e1a61de10>]
The command on XML is:
<command interpreter="python"> -i $input_pdbs
This tool was working fine before the update.
Any ideas what Is going wrong?
Thanks a lot,
Alexandre Defelicibus
Mestrando em Bioengenharia
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioengenharia
Universidade de São Paulo - USP