Hi Dwayne, you need to install the Python LDAP module: http://www.python-ldap.org/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-ldap/ If you are using a virtualenv (which is recommended for a production server), activate it and then execute: pip install ldap Cheers, Nicola Il giorno mar, 13/10/2015 alle 18.23 +0000, McCully, Dwayne (NIH/NIAMS) [C] ha scritto:
Thanks Nicola,
Updated the auth_config.xml file but got the following message in the paster.log. Any idea how to fix?
DEBUG 2015-10-13 14:18:11,644 LDAP authenticate: could not load ldap module
From: Nicola Soranzo [mailto:nicola.soranzo@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Nicola Soranzo Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 1:44 PM To: McCully, Dwayne (NIH/NIAMS) [C] <dmccully@mail.nih.gov>; galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] MS Active Directory Authentication
Hi Dwayne,
see https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/blob/dev/config/auth_conf .xml.sample
<type>ldap</type> is equivalent to <type>activedirectory</type>
Something like this may work for you:
<auth> <authenticator> <type>activedirectory</type> <options> <allow-register>False</allow-register> <auto-register>True</auto-register> <server>ldap://dc1.example.com</server> <login-use-username>True</login-use-username> <search-fields>sAMAccountName,mail</search-fields> <search-base>dc=dc1,dc=example,dc=com</search-base> <search -filter>(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName={username}))</search -filter> <search-user>jsmith</search-user> <search-password>mysecret</search-password> <bind-user>{sAMAccountName}</bind-user> <bind-password>{password}</bind-password> <auto-register-username>{sAMAccountName}</auto-register -username> <auto-register-email>{mail}</auto-register-email> </options> </authenticator> </auth>
Cheers, Nicola On 13/10/15 17:44, McCully, Dwayne (NIH/NIAMS) [C] wrote: Hello Everyone,
Is there an example of the auth_config.xml for a MS Active directory connection? I would like to all my users to register and login to Galaxy with their AD username and password.
Note: We don’t use a “@example.com” extension for our usernames just “username”.
Thanks in advance
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