Hi Bob,
it seems that you uploaded a zip file, but only tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives are supported. Try to create one archive of these types and upload it to the existing repository with the default options.


On 01/04/16 18:04, rbrown1422@comcast.net wrote:
Good afternoon,
I loaded a tool into the Galaxy https://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/  toolshed.   It is an xml and python module.  It accepted the file fine but with the following output
Sharable link to this repository:https://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/view/insilico-bob/mean_center_matrix/ac64a6acfdaf
This repository's type cannot be changed because its contents are valid only for its current type or it has been cloned.
This revision can be installed: False
Times cloned / installed: 0
I cannot see the tool when I search on it from my Galaxy instance or from the test shed itself.
FYI, I did not add a test scenario to the load.
What am I missing?  How do I correct this.

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