I'm trying to incorporate a pipeline tool into our instance of Galaxy. My tool xml uses the <repeat> tag to allow an end-user to enter a number of different fasta/fastq files with information about each of those files so that RSEM can
be run on all of the files one at a time with minimal end-user input. My repeat name is Files.
To do this, I need the tool xml to loop over each file and its input parameters to put together a string of input to a perl wrapper (file is in same directory as the xml). I tried using 'enumerate' to do this within the <command> tag with
perl as the interpreter, but I'm noticing some some strange behavior with ordering of statements in the tag.
Here's what I have for the tool xml's command tag (aforementioned perl wrapper is run-rsem-1.2.3.pl).
<command interpreter="perl">
#for $i, $s in enumerate( $Files )
#if $s.input.fastqmatepair.matepair=="single" #/opt/galaxy/galaxy-dist-dev/tools/ngs_rna/run-rsem-1.2.3.pl
--seed-length $s.seedlength --forward-prob $s.fprob -p $s.cpus --single_fastq $s.input.fastqmatepair.singlefastq /opt/galaxy/references/rhesus/rheMac2_ensembl_1.64/RSEM_rheMac2_ensembl_1.64
#if $s.need_bam.yes_bamfile=="yes":
--bamfile $s.bam_res
#end if
#if $s.dostats.stat==1:
--fragment-length-mean $s.dostats.fraglenmean
--fragment-length-sd $s.dostats.fraglensd
#end if
#if $s.dorspd.rspd==1:
--num-rspd-bins $s.dorspd.rspd_num
#end if
#end if
#end for
I must be missing something above because it does not call run-rsem-1.2.3 for each loop iteration. Do I need a break or pause or something within the tag to make this enumerate loop work correctly?
FWIW, to debug I added a print statement between the last '#end if' and the '#end for' above:
'print "loop iteration $i.\n";'