Hi, I hope somebody can help me with this. I've been maintaining a Galaxy installation for the past few months that has suddenly developed a problem that I can't undo. I think it occurred after installing samtools and sambamba packages which I have subsequently uninstalled but which has made no difference. Every tool I try to run fails with this error: "Conda dependency failed to build job environment. This is most likely a limitation in conda. You can try to shorten the path to the job_working_directory." Also, in the paster.log file I'm seeing this error that I've never seen before: "CondaError: RuntimeError('EnforceUnusedAdapter called with url https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-64/ca-certificates-2018.4.16-0.tar.bz2\nThis command is using a remote connection in offline mode.\n',)" Any suggestions? Regards, David