dear all,


There have been a few posts lately about doing distributed computing via Galaxy – i.e.

job splitters etc – below a contribution of some ideas we have developed

and applied in our work, where we have arranged for some Galaxy tools to execute in parallel

on our cluster.  


We have developed a job-splitter script "" (available from, which takes marked-up

standard unix commands that run an application or tool. The mark-up is

prefixed to the input and output command-line options. Tardis strips off the

mark-up, and re-writes the commands to refer to split inputs and outputs, which are then

executed in parallel e.g. on a distributed compute resource. Tardis knows

the output files to expect and how to join them back together.


(This was referred to in our GCC2013 talk )


Any reasonable unix based data processing or analysis command may be marked up and run

using tardis, though of course tardis needs to know how to split and join the data. Our approach

also assumes  a “symmetrical” HPC cluster configuration, in the sense that each node sees the same

view of the file system (and has the required underlying application installed). We use tardis

to support both Galaxy and command-line based compute.


Background / design pattern / motivating analogy: Galaxy provides a high level

"end to end" view of a workflow; the HPC cluster resource that one uses then involves

spraying chunks of data out into parallel processes, usually in the form of some kind of

distributed compute cluster - but an end-user looking at a Galaxy history, should ideally  not be able

to tell whether the workflow was run as a single process on the server, or

via many parallel processes on the cluster (apart from the fact that when run

in parallel on the cluster, its alot faster!). We noticed that  the TCP / IP layered networking

protocol stack  provides a useful metaphor and design pattern - with the  "end to end" topology

of a Galaxy workflow  corresponding to the transport layer of TCP/ IP; and the distribution

of computation across a cluster corresponding  to the next TCP/IP layer down - the packet-routing



This picture suggested  a strongly layered approach to provisioning

Galaxy with parallelised compute on split data, and hence to an approach in which the

footprint in the Galaxy code-base, of parallel / distributed compute support, should ideally

(from the layered-design point of view) be minimal and superficial. Thus in our approach so far,

the only footprint is in the tool config files, where we arrange the templating to

(optionally) prefix the required  tardis mark-up  to the input and output command options, and

the tardis script name to the command as a whole.  tardis then takes care of rewriting and

launching all of the jobs, and finally joining the results back together and putting them where

galaxy expects them to be (and also housekeeping such as collating and passing up stderr and stdout , and

appropriate process exit codes). (For each galaxy job, tardis creates a working folder in a designated

scratch area, where input files are uncompressed and split; job files and their output

are stored; logging is done etc. Split data is cleaned up at the end unless there

was an error in some part of the job, in which case everything is retained

for debugging and in some cases restart)


(We modify Galaxy tool-configs so that the user can optionally choose to run

the tool on our HPC cluster - there are three HPC related input fields, appended

to the input section of a tool. Here the user selects whether they want to use

our cluster and if so, they specify the chunk size, and can also at that point

specify a sampling rate, since we often find it useful to be able to run preliminary

analyses on a random sample of (for example) single or paired-end NGS sequence

data, to obtain a fairly quick snapshot of the data, before the expense of a

complete run. We found it convenient to include support for input sampling

in tardis).


The pdf document at includes a number of

examples of marking up a command, and also a simple example of a galaxy tool-config that

has been modified to include support for optionally running the job on our HPC cluster

via the tardis pre-processor.


Known limitations:


* we have not yet attempted to integrate our approach with the existing Galaxy job-splitting

distributed compute support, partly because of our “layered” design goal (admittedly also partly

because of ignorance about its details ! )


* our current implementation is quite naive in the distributed compute API

it uses - it supports launching condor job files (and also native sub-processes) - our plan

is to replace that with using the drmaa API


* we would like to integrate it better with the galaxy type system, probably via

a galaxy-tardis wrapper


We would be keen to contribute our approach to Galaxy if people are





Alan McCulloch

Bioinformatics Software Engineer

AgResearch NZ