Hi Lance I don't remember seeing the problem you describe with our servers. If I do your query, I get: ... count ------- 55 (1 row) looking at the actual ids, they are all in the lower three digits range and many years old. Regards, Hans-Rudolf On 11/30/2016 08:20 PM, Lance Parsons wrote:
I've run into issues over the past year where some jobs would occasionally fail to start (stuck in a `new` state). I tracked them down to a situataion where `dataset.deleted` is set to `t` yet the `history_dataset_association.deleted` is `f`. Simply setting `dataset.deleted` to `f` in those instances resolved the issue and the jobs ran. The datasets have all still been on disk.
Since this is a pretty annoying situation, I thought I'd check to see if there are other datasets with this problem. Shockingly, I found many thousands of such datasets:
``` select count(d.id) from dataset d join history_dataset_association hda on d.id = hda.dataset_id where d.deleted = 't' and hda.deleted = 'f'; count ------- 76977 (1 row) ```
I'm hesitant to update so many rows in my database so I thought I'd put this out there for comment. What do others see when running the above query? Has anyone run into this or a similar issue? Thanks.