Hello Shaun, Apologies for the delay in reply. The tool "Operate on Genomic Intervals -> Fetch closet non-overlapping feature" currently still only returns non-overlapping results, from any of the four options. No changes are planned for the near-term. To identify overlapping intervals, you are correct that using the other Interval tools would be appropriate. Then, if you wanted both overlapping and non-overlapping data together in a single result dataset, a workflow would be a great solution to do the processing. Thank you for your patience! And thanks for using Galaxy! Best, Jen Galaxy team On 12/13/10 12:27 PM, SHAUN WEBB wrote:
I remember a post a while ago about the fetch closest feature tool requesting that the output returns overlapping features rather than just the nearest up/downstream feature.
Was this ever implemented? Perhaps as a different tool? Would the easiest alternative be to create a workflow from existing tools (join-> filter out intervals that have a join -> fetch closest feature -> concatenate output files)?
Thanks for your help Shaun Webb
-- Jennifer Jackson http://usegalaxy.org