On Jun 1, 2011, at 11:30 AM, Nate Coraor wrote:
Shantanu Pavgi wrote:
I have started galaxy daemon using 'reload' option. I am wondering if there is a command to print currently used configuration values in the universe_wsgi.ini file. It may help verify that configuration changes were reloaded.
Hi Shantanu,
Not directly, although if you do something in the interface that generates a traceback, the configuration will be visible in the browser (if use_interactive = True) or the log/terminal (if False).
A controller method like:
@web.expose def explode( self, trans ): raise Exception( "boom" )
in lib/galaxy/web/controllers/root.py would be accessible at:
And would cause a traceback that should include the configuration.
Thanks Nate. That's helpful to know. -- Shantanu.