On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 4:17 PM, James Taylor <james@jamestaylor.org> wrote:
As Nate mentions in that issue, there are a bunch of problems checking the binary requirement tag at load time, most obvious that the place where the web server is running might have different tools than where jobs are actually run.
Right. On Issue 82 Nate suggested skipping the load time check if there is a cluster configured. That sounds like a good compromise to me (I'd have updated the patch if I knew how to check that), and we could also check for required python modules (again, quite a few tools declare this and it isn't checked yet, is it?).
However, the package tag is very useful and will be needed for these to work well on cloud instances for example. I'd suggest adding <requirement type='package'>ncbi-blast+</requirement> to all of these. The binary requirement can still be there as well.
I'd have to also define the ncbi-blast+ package too, right? Is any of this new stuff documented yet (beyond the notes on Issue 82)? Thanks, Peter