can you do:
. /home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/bin/activate
And see if you can execute trim_galore from the commandline and get the
Am 10.07.2018 um 08:34 schrieb Van Wageningen, GERHARD [gerhardv@sun.ac.za]:
> Hi Bjoern, thanks for the pointer ... We are running the default
> dependency_resolvers_conf.xml now and that, along with the symlinks hint
> has helped with a lot of the tool dep. issues. But there is still a
> pathing issue we are stuck on.
> Take for example the trim_galore tool.
> The error is
> /home/.galaxy/database/jobs_directory/007/7480/tool_script.sh: line 25:
> trim_galore: command not found
> And the script is:
> #!/bin/bash
> # The following block can be used by the job system
> # to ensure this script is runnable before actually attempting
> # to run it.
> exit 42
> fi
> "/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/__trim-galore@0.4.3" ] ||
> while [ $COUNT -lt $MAX_TRIES ]; do
> . /home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/bin/activate
> '/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/__trim-galore@0.4.3' >
> conda_activate.log 2>&1
> if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
> break
> else
> if [ $COUNT -eq $MAX_TRIES ];then
> echo "Failed to activate conda environment! Error was:"
> cat conda_activate.log
> exit 1
> fi
> sleep 10s
> fi
> done ; trim_galore --version >
> /scratch2/galaxy/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_7477 2>&1; ln -s
> '/home/.galaxy/database/files/013/dataset_13139.dat' input_1.fastq &&
> trim_galore --phred33 --output_dir ./ input_1.fastq
> --dont_gzip && if [ -f input_1_trimmed.fq.gz ] ; then mv
> input_1_trimmed.fq.gz input_1_trimmed.fq ; fi && if [ -f
> input_1_val_1.fq.gz ] ; then mv input_1_val_1.fq.gz input_1_val_1.fq ;
> fi && if [ -f input_2_val_2.fq.gz ] ; then mv input_2_val_2.fq.gz
> input_2_val_2.fq ; fi && if [ -f input_1_unpaired_1.fq.gz ] ; then mv
> input_1_unpaired_1.fq.gz input_1_unpaired_1.fq ; fi && if [ -f
> input_2_unpaired_2.fq.gz ] ; then mv input_2_unpaired_2.fq.gz
> input_2_unpaired_2.fq ; fi
> In fact most of the tools do this post-upgrade - where they cannot find
> a file.
> Here is the trace from hisat2 - it fails in a similar way so we conclude
> that there is a common underlying fault here that is affecting the
> pathing of the scripts.
> Any ideas how we should go about finding this error?
> Thanks, Gerhard
> PS Here is the hisat2 output.
> #!/bin/bash
> # The following block can be used by the job system
> # to ensure this script is runnable before actually attempting
> # to run it.
> exit 42
> fi
> "/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-3b104c294f65450b09ba89d24826c61eddd553d789c9f1ae48a29715de1b7426"
> ] ||
> while [ $COUNT -lt $MAX_TRIES ]; do
> . /home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/bin/activate
> '/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-3b104c294f65450b09ba89d24826c61eddd553d789c9f1ae48a29715de1b7426'
> > conda_activate.log 2>&1
> if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
> break
> else
> if [ $COUNT -eq $MAX_TRIES ];then
> echo "Failed to activate conda environment! Error was:"
> cat conda_activate.log
> exit 1
> fi
> sleep 10s
> fi
> done ; [ "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" =
> "/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-3b104c294f65450b09ba89d24826c61eddd553d789c9f1ae48a29715de1b7426"
> ] ||
> while [ $COUNT -lt $MAX_TRIES ]; do
> . /home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/bin/activate
> '/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-3b104c294f65450b09ba89d24826c61eddd553d789c9f1ae48a29715de1b7426'
> > conda_activate.log 2>&1
> if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
> break
> else
> if [ $COUNT -eq $MAX_TRIES ];then
> echo "Failed to activate conda environment! Error was:"
> cat conda_activate.log
> exit 1
> fi
> sleep 10s
> fi
> done ; hisat2 --version >
> /scratch2/galaxy/tmp/GALAXY_VERSION_STRING_7484 2>&1; set -o | grep -q
> pipefail && set -o pipefail; ln -s
> '/home/.galaxy/database/files/013/dataset_13248.dat' genome.fa &&
> _hisat2-build_ -p ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} genome.fa genome && ln -f -s
> '/home/.galaxy/database/files/013/dataset_13238.dat' input_f.fastq &&
> ln -f -s '/home/.galaxy/database/files/013/dataset_13243.dat'
> input_r.fastq && hisat2 -p ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} -x 'genome' -1
> 'input_f.fastq' -2 'input_r.fastq' |
> samtools sort - -@ ${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1} -l 6 -o
> '/home/.galaxy/database/jobs_directory/007/7484/galaxy_dataset_19227.dat'
> The job fails when it cannot find “hisat2-build”.
> Fatal error: Exit code 127 ()
> /home/.galaxy/database/jobs_directory/007/7484/tool_script.sh: line 41:
> hisat2-build: command not found
> The PATH variable should be exported with installation
> (/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/hisat/2.0.3/iuc/package_hisat_2_0_3/dc03603edd43/env.sh):
> PATH=/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/hisat/2.0.3/iuc/package_hisat_2_0_3/dc03603edd43/bin:$PATH;
> export PATH
> HISAT2_ROOT_DIR=/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/hisat/2.0.3/iuc/package_hisat_2_0_3/dc03603edd43;
> export HISAT2_ROOT_DIR
> HISAT_ROOT_DIR=/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/hisat/2.0.3/iuc/package_hisat_2_0_3/dc03603edd43;
> The conda environment with dependencies seems to be there:
> /home/.galaxy/tooldeps/_conda/envs/mulled-v1-3b104c294f65450b09ba89d24826c61eddd553d789c9f1ae48a29715de1b7426/bin
> Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@gmail.com>;
> galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* 05 July 2018 22:00:58
> *To:* Van Wageningen, GERHARD [gerhardv@sun.ac.za];
> galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org
> *Subject:* Re: [galaxy-dev] Conda problems: Failed to activate conda
> environment
> Hi Gerhard,
> it seems your tool is picking up the old tool_dependency version and not
> the conda version of python.
> Have a look at
> <
> galaxyproject/galaxy
> <
> github.com
> galaxy - Data intensive science for everyone.
> to configure the order of dependency resolution in Galaxy.
> Cheers,
> Bjoern
>> Hi All
>> I have recently started learning the Galaxy setup starting with an upgrade.
>> Made some headway but I was wondering if someone could comment on a
>> problem that has emerged.
>> The system is a Galaxy 18.05 installation (upgraded from 17.01) on an
>> Altair PBS scheduler with drmaa setup (working)
>> Conda problem: Failed to activate conda environment.
>> Conda works during tool installation or reinstallation.
>> Galaxy tools have been updated/reinstalled so they all look "green" in
>> manage tools.
>> In Manage Dependencies there are a number of "Dependency resolved but
>> version not found" warnings, otherwise the deps look clean.
>> When running tools in Galaxy errors occur, after the jobs have correctly
>> deployed on the cluster.
>> The galaxy application raised errors like the two below.
>> "Failed to activate conda environment! Error was:
>> Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
>> File
>> "/home/.galaxy/tooldeps/python/2.7/iuc/package_python_2_7/8b09fe018cac/lib/python2.7/encodings/__init__.py",
>> line 123
>> raise C"
>> "
>> Failed to activate conda environment! Error was: CondaEnvironmentError:
>> Environment error: Cannot activate environment bash. User does not have
>> write access for conda symlinks.
>> "
>> Galaxy started and stopped using supervisord with config below:
>> Thanks, hopefully someone has seen this before ...
>> regards, Gerhard
>> [program:web]
>> command = uwsgi --plugin python --virtualenv /home/.galaxy/.venv
>> --ini-paste /home/.galaxy/config/galaxy.ini
>> directory = /home/.galaxy
>> umask = 022
>> autostart = true
>> autorestart = true
>> startsecs = 10
>> user = galaxy
>> numprocs = 1
>> stopsignal = INT
>> [program:handler]
>> command = python ./scripts/galaxy-main -c
>> /home/.galaxy/config/galaxy.ini --server-name=handler%(process_num)s
>> directory = /home/.galaxy
>> process_name = handler%(process_num)s
>> numprocs = 1
>> umask = 022
>> autostart = true
>> autorestart = true
>> startsecs = 10
>> user = galaxy
>> environment =
>> VIRTUAL_ENV="/home/.galaxy/.venv",PATH="/home/.galaxy/.venv/bin:%(ENV_PATH)s",http_proxy="http://storage2.eth.hpc:3128/",https_proxy="http://storage2.eth.hpc:3128/"
>> stdout_logfile = /home/.galaxy/handler%(process_num)s.log
>> redirect_stderr = true
>> [group:galaxy]
>> programs = handler, web
>> <
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