14 May
14 May
9:39 a.m.
We'd like to trim the the galaxyIndicies/genome directory to human and blastdb. As we may have several CM instances, we would like to share this filesystem across all instances. I would like to simply copy these data to a new volume and mount this filesystem with all our CM instances. Do I just need to rename specified filesystem in pd.yaml to ourGalaxyIndicies and then mount our CMs to /mnt/ourGalaxyIndicies/, or are their other locations I need to modify as well? Are the size and snap_id required? Cheers! Rob Rob Leclerc, PhD <http://www.linkedin.com/in/robleclerc> <https://twitter.com/#!/robleclerc> P: (US) +1-(917)-873-3037 P: (Shanghai) +86-1-(861)-612-5469 Personal Email: rob.leclerc@aya.yale.edu