Re: [galaxy-dev] Question concerning interval definition

Hello Galaxy team and Eckart, It seems questions about zero/one based coordinates are frequent by new galaxy users. Some time ago I wrote a short summary (with screen shots) about the different between one-based and zero-based coordinates in UCSC browser (and by extension - in galaxy). You're welcome to put it on your wiki, if you'd like. -Gordon. Eckart Bindewald wrote, On 07/07/2009 02:14 PM:
Hello: thank you for providing the Galaxy server, it is a very impressive web application. I have a seemingly dumb but important question, and I could not find the information anywhere: what is the precise definition of an interval? Or: has the first residue of a chromosome the index zero or the index one? Is the end residue (the second number of an interval) the last residue of the interval, or one residue downstream with respect to the last residue included in the interval? Maybe questions like this can be included in the FAQ...
Thanks in advance,
Eckart Bindewald
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