Gateways 2018 Call for Participation (1st deadline: May 7)

Call for Participation: Gateways 2018 (September 25–27, at the University of Texas at Austin) is now accepting submissions of papers, demos, tutorials, and panels (2–4 pages) on the topic of science or engineering gateways. Gateways are user-friendly interfaces to scientific computing, data, and other domain-specific resources to support research and education. Many projects using the Galaxy Project platform would be considered gateways, and this conference is an excellent opportunity to connect with others who do similar work in diverse fields. Topics may include gateway design, use, impact, development processes, sustainability, best practices, or any other aspect that you think fellow gateway creators or users will find interesting to learn. We also welcome educational topics directed toward the next generation of gateway creators. The primary submission deadline is May 7, 2018, and a poster session deadline (open to all) will be August 1. Read more details in the Call for Participation:
participants (1)
Katherine Lawrence