Is there a way through the API to know when a file has completed the upload process?

Hi, I am trying to use the API to upload a file and since the upload can take a long time (see my previous post) I need to check if the upload has completed so I know I can start a workflow (or can I start a workflow even when the file is still in the "queued" state?)... I have successfully used the examples from this page: and can easily upload a file, but I cannot seem to learn the state of the file... The upload process I used, returned a bunch of attributes, such as: {'ldda_id': '049d723a33542847', 'misc_blurb': None, 'name': '7_101_1_ACTTGA_R1.fastq', 'data_type': 'fastq', 'file_name': '/mnt/ngs/analysis/tdeboer/PROJECTS/STAGING/SEQUENCER07/130207_SN7001380_0101_AD1H7GACXX/fastq/7_101_1_ACTTGA_R1.fastq', 'uploaded_by': '', 'metadata_sequences': None, 'template_data': {}, 'genome_build': 'hg19', 'model_class': 'LibraryDataset', 'misc_info': None, 'file_size': 6410080411, 'metadata_data_lines': None, 'message': '', 'id': '049d723a33542847', 'date_uploaded': '2013-05-22T00:50:50.474318', 'metadata_dbkey': 'hg19'} But none of those tell me if the upload has succeeded or not... Is there a way to retrieve the state of an uploaded file once I have uploaded a file through the API? thanks Thon

It seems that there are not a lot of people using/know about the API since all my questions about the API here go unanswered, but I am happy to report that I don't actually need to know if the upload has finished, since it seems you can start a workflow with a dataset that is still being uploaded.You can't do this in the UI but it seems you CAN do it through the API, so that is a relief.. Now if only the API allowed us to pass parameters to a workflow in the same way we can do this in the API, I am set and I can use Galaxy as a workflow engine through the API.. Regards, Thon Thon deBoer Ph.D., Bioinformatics Guru California, USA |p: +1 (650) 799-6839 |m: <> From: [] On Behalf Of Anthonius deBoer Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 6:24 PM To: Galaxy-dev Galaxy-dev Subject: [galaxy-dev] Is there a way through the API to know when a file has completed the upload process? Hi, I am trying to use the API to upload a file and since the upload can take a long time (see my previous post) I need to check if the upload has completed so I know I can start a workflow (or can I start a workflow even when the file is still in the "queued" state?)... I have successfully used the examples from this page: tml and can easily upload a file, but I cannot seem to learn the state of the file... The upload process I used, returned a bunch of attributes, such as: {'ldda_id': '049d723a33542847', 'misc_blurb': None, 'name': '7_101_1_ACTTGA_R1.fastq', 'data_type': 'fastq', 'file_name': '/mnt/ngs/analysis/tdeboer/PROJECTS/STAGING/SEQUENCER07/130207_SN7001380_010 1_AD1H7GACXX/fastq/7_101_1_ACTTGA_R1.fastq', 'uploaded_by': '', 'metadata_sequences': None, 'template_data': {}, 'genome_build': 'hg19', 'model_class': 'LibraryDataset', 'misc_info': None, 'file_size': 6410080411, 'metadata_data_lines': None, 'message': '', 'id': '049d723a33542847', 'date_uploaded': '2013-05-22T00:50:50.474318', 'metadata_dbkey': 'hg19'} But none of those tell me if the upload has succeeded or not... Is there a way to retrieve the state of an uploaded file once I have uploaded a file through the API? thanks Thon
participants (2)
Anthonius deBoer
Thon de Boer