Software Carpentry 4.0 course seats still available; register by January 7

Hello all, This is only tangentially related to Galaxy, but given the course's great reputation and it's Python emphasis, I thought I would forward it on to the Galaxy community. Thanks, Dave C. From: Greg Wilson <> Date: January 2, 2011 8:10:54 AM EST Subject: I realize it's hard to do this over the holidays... Hi everyone, Our next online run kicks off a week from Monday (Jan 10) --- of the 105 people who said they'd sign up, only 79 have filled in the full reg. form (I think the prerequisite programming exercise scared many of them off). That means we have room for approximately 20 more students --- it's free, but we will ask them to commit to 3-4 hours/week for 10-12 weeks. Topics will include: * program design (using Python) * version control * testing and test-driven development * basic data crunching using SQL and regular expressions * an intro to object-oriented programming (again using Python) * matrix computation (NumPy, MATLAB, etc.) * the Unix shell and Make (if there's time and demand) has a list of lecture topics from the fall run; has a quick pitch, and has feedback from alumni. If you have colleagues or grad students who'd like to take the course, please have them contact me directly as soon as possible --- we're going to close off registration on Jan 7. Thanks, and best wishes for 2011, Greg --
participants (1)
Dave Clements