Galaxy Australasia Workshop (GAW 2014), 24-25 March, Melbourne

Hello all, *We are pleased to announce the 1st Galaxy Australasia Workshop 2014 (GAW 2014) <> will be held in Melbourne, Australia on 24 and 25th March 2014.* The Galaxy Australasia Workshop<> is a great opportunity for you to participate in two full days of presentations, discussions, poster sessions, keynotes and lightning talks, all about ways of using Galaxy for high-throughput biology, imaging and other scientific applications. The workshop will also include Training Sessions taught by Galaxy developers and master users. GAW 2014 will run 24 and 25th March, immediately preceding Computational and Simulation Sciences and eResearch <> in Melbourne. GAW 2014 will also include poster session, keynote speakers. *You should attend to:* - Present your work! - Learn best practices for deploying Galaxy, defining and installing resources, and managing and moving large datasets. - Network with others in the Galaxy community who are facing similar challenges and using Galaxy and other tools to address them. - Learn what the Galaxy Project's plans are, and contribute to Galaxy's future direction. - Learn - how to visualize your data in Galaxy and use visualization to guide your analysis (visual analytics) - how to share, publish, and reuse your analyses with Galaxy - how to perform and enable your users to perform common, yet complex, analyses using Galaxy - when and how to use Galaxy on the Cloud *Topics will potentially include:* - Image analysis and processing using Galaxy. - RNAseq/ChIPseq/Variant Calling/RNA Quality Control. - Galaxy on the Research Cloud. - CSIRO galaxy service - partnership between science and IT. - Identifying proteins from mass spec data with Galaxy. *Call For Abstracts* Participants who wish to give presentations or present posters (potentially with technical demonstrations) that showcase use of Galaxy should submit a brief one-page abstract and brief one-paragraph bio to the GAW2014 Organisers <> *by February 15th, 2014.* Submitters will be notified by February 28th. Speakers, panelists, and poster presenters will be selected by the program committee based on relevance to symposium objectives and workshop balance. Submissions should clearly state whether they are for: poster or oral presentation. Looking forward to seeing you all in Melbourne! GAW 2014 Organising Committee<> --
participants (1)
Dave Clements