request_param_translation and request_param

Hi, I've got some questions regarding some tags (e.g. request_param_translation and request_param). Their doc is fully described here: 1. In the doc of 'request_param_translation', we find: "This tag set is contained within the <param> tag set - it contains a set of <request_param> tags." But it seems that it is not needed to include this tag set within the 'param' one (but directly child of the 'tool' tag)? 2. in the doc of 'request_param', there is a nice table with the attributes, values, etc. Is the value "URL_method" missing in that table as possible value? if so, what would be the difference between that definition and the one we set in the 'tool' tag? Is the list of possible values a comprehensive one? 3. The example of usage of 'request_param_tranlsation' has a typo: "requst_param_translation" instead of "request_param_translation". I guess that the suffixing "}" in the remote_name example (in the request_param table) should also be deleted? 4. is there any doc about the 'uihints' tag? (found in some examples such as ucsc_tablebrowser.xml). cheers, Erick
participants (1)
Erick Antezana