Hello all,
We are pleased to announce the *Galaxy Training Network (GTN) https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/GTN*, a network of trainers who teach bioinformatics using Galaxy, or teach about Galaxy itself. The GTN aims to make it easy to find Galaxy trainers https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Trainers, and to share and discover the wealth of training resources available for Galaxy. This includes training materials https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Resources, a trainer directory https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Trainers,best practices https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/BestPractices, and guidance on computing platforms https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/ComputingPlatforms for teaching with Galaxy. The Galaxy Training Network is accessible to the entire community.
If you teach with Galaxy, then please consider adding your organization https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Trainers#Add_a_Trainer, materials https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Resources#Add_a_Training_Resource, and best practices https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/BestPractices. The Trainer Directory https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Trainers already includes 16 organizations and there may be one (or 6!) near you http://bit.ly/gxytrnmap.
The Galaxy Training Network (GTN) https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Teach/Trainers