Re: [galaxy-dev] [galaxy-bugs] TF binding site database

Jose: Thank you for sharing your tool! We have a new mechanism for making tools like your available to the community: Galaxy Tool Shed ( We would ask you to contribute the pricat to the Tool Shed. Thanks! anton On Mar 24, 2011, at 10:46 AM, Muino, Jose wrote:
Congratulations for your fantastic tool GALAXY!. We were developing a web-tool ( for the analysis and storage of plant ChIP-seq data, and we made it compatible with GALAXY. Installing this tool ( in a GALAXY instance, it will allow users to have access to all the binding events storage in our web-tool
I am wondering if you will be interested to add this tool to your public GALAXY instance,
Thanks a lot for your time, Jose
Dr. Jose M Muino Plant Research International B.V. Droevendaalsesteeg 1 P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands Phone: +0317-481122. E-mail: _______________________________________________ galaxy-bugs mailing list
Anton Nekrutenko
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Anton Nekrutenko