Hello all, GMOD Europe 2010 (http://gmod.org/wiki/GMOD_Europe_2010) starts in less than two weeks. If you are planning on attending and haven't yet registered, then please do so in the next few days. The BioMart Workshop has only a few slots left, and the registration fee for the GMOD Meeting goes from £50 to £65 on 6 September. We are encouraging people to submit topic suggestions for the GMOD Meeting and the GMOD Satellite Meetings. We are also pleased to announce that Jason Swedlow of the University of Dundee will be the guest speaker at the GMOD Meeting. Jason will speak on "The Open Microscopy Environment: Open Informatics for Biological Imaging," a particularly timely topic as many researchers move into image intensive areas such as phenotypes and gene expression, and as high-throughput imaging platforms become available. There is still space available at all 4 events, and registration for the GMOD Satellite Meetings, InterMine Workshop and BioMart Workshop is free. Scott Cain and Dave Clements Links: http://gmod.org/wiki/GMOD_Europe_2010 http://gmod.org/wiki/September_2010_GMOD_Meeting http://gmod.org/wiki/Satellite_Meetings_-_GMOD_Europe_2010 http://gmod.org/wiki/InterMine_Workshop_-_GMOD_Europe_2010 http://gmod.org/wiki/BioMart_Workshop_-_GMOD_Europe_2010
participants (1)
Dave Clements, GMOD Help Desk