I wrote a small script to reload tool pages
Hi, I wanted to reload xml tool wrapper pages without using the browser. Going off of this page... http://lists.bx.psu.edu/pipermail/galaxy-dev/2012-March/009126.html I wrote a little python script that takes the tool name (the thing at the top of the xml wrapper file) as a parameter and reloads it. Setup: Run this command *curl --cookie-jar galaxy_cookie.txt --data-ascii 'email=YOUR_EMAIL_NAME%40GMAIL.COM&webapp=galaxy&password=YOUR_PASSWORD&login_button=Login' YOUR_GALAXY_WEBPAGE/user/login <http://dev1.ab.wurnet.nl:8086/user/login>* and afterwards make sure the galaxy-cookie.txt file is in the same directory as the python script. Next, if your instance isn't on localhost:8080, update the python file and change the localhosts to your instance's address. Run the python script as ./reload_tool.py --name="your tool name" For instance I run ./reload_tool.py --name="BWA for Illumina" and it reloads it. Hopefully attachments work on the mailing list. But here's a mirror if not: http://pastebin.com/jHbbizQV
participants (1)
Ben Gift