I wanted to update CloudMan to use nginx 1.4.0 for web socket proxy support, but I hit a problem. nginx-upload-module does not work with nginx 1.4.0 and the author has no intention of continuing work on the module. https://github.com/vkholodkov/nginx-upload-module/issues/41 There is a patch that based on the comments in the above thread doesn't work: http://paste.davromaniak.eu/index.php?show=110 And there are some related projects but I don't understand enough about how Galaxy is interacting with nginx upload to know if they are a promising replacement. https://github.com/pgaertig/nginx-big-upload https://github.com/agentzh/lua-resty-upload It also kind of seems like nginx might provide some support for handling uploads directly without that module, here is the example from that thread: location /upload { limit_except POST { deny all; } client_body_temp_path /tmp/; client_body_in_file_only on; client_body_buffer_size 128K; client_max_body_size 50M; proxy_pass_request_headers on; proxy_set_body $request_body_file; proxy_pass http://upstream; # will receive file_name only proxy_redirect off; } Can the galaxy solution be adapted for this client_body_xxx style? If not, has anyone looked at something like nginx-big-upload and gotten it to work? I suppose this is not likely since nginx 1.4 just came out, but it is worth asking. If someone does figure it out someday, let me know and I can test and update the CloudBioLinux/CloudMan stuff for whatever you figure out. Thanks, -John
participants (1)
John Chilton