strange submit script
Hi, Galaxy 16.04, sge as batch system. There is strange submit script from one job which replicates whole Galaxy home directory to the working directory for jobs and does this 2 times. Am I correct that file is generated automatically by Galaxy or still user can add something there? If it generates automatically then is this a bug? cat #!/bin/bash # The following block can be used by the job system # to ensure this script is runnable before actually attempting # to run it. if [ -n "$ABC_TEST_JOB_SCRIPT_INTEGRITY_XYZ" ]; then exit 42 fi PACKAGE_BASE=/home/galaxy/tools/dependencies/samtools/1.2/iuc/package_samtools_1_2/f6ae3ba3f3c1; export PACKAGE_BASE; . /home/galaxy/tools/dependencies/samtools/1.2/iuc/package_samtools_1_2/f6ae3ba3f3c1/; MEM=`expr "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-16}" \* 48 - 16` ; workdir=`pwd`; echo "workdir is $workdir"; cd $LOCAL; echo "Running Trinity from `pwd`"; Trinity --max_memory "${MEM}G" --CPU "${GALAXY_SLOTS:-16}" --bflyHeapSpaceMax "32G" --bflyHeapSpaceInit "2G" --bflyGCThreads "6" --left /home/galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_81417.dat --right /home/galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_81418.dat --seqType fq --SS_lib_type RF --group_pairs_distance 500 > /home/galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_81515.dat 2>&1 || (ec=$? ; cp -pr . $workdir; cd $workdir; cat /home/galaxy/database/files/000/dataset_81515.dat >&2 ; mkdir -p trinity_out_dir ; touch trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta ; exit $ec); cp -pr . $workdir; cd $workdir Output is: workdir is /home/galaxy/database/jobs_directory/000/51718/working Running Trinity from /home/galaxy It means that in "cd $LOCAL" LOCAL variable is undefined. And then there is a bunch of copies from home directory. Thanx for the help, Nikolaos
participants (1)
Nikolaos Tur