Announcing the Galactic Blog, and a call for posts
Hello all, I am pleased to announce the *Galactic Blog <>,* a place for blogging about Galaxy and your experiences with it. The blog is on the Galaxy Hub <> and can be reached from the home page and the Hub's Community menu. Our very first post <> is about the ELIXIR Galaxy Community and was written by Frederik Coppens, Gildas Le Corguillé, and Björn Grüning. We have a few more posts lined up over the next week or so, but after that ... *The Galactic Blog needs you! *If you've done something that others would benefit from knowing about then please create a Galactic Blog post describing your experiences. See the CONTRIBUTING <> page. If you have questions, please let me know. Blog posts can either be directly created in the Galactic Blog (and hosted on the Galaxy Hub <>), or can be posted on your favorite blogging platform (see, for example, Galactic Engineer <>) and linked to from the Galactic Blog. We'll tweet about every entry and highlight them in the monthly newsletter as well. Finally, this was a team effort and I'd particularly like to thank Dannon Baker, Björn Grüning, and Martin Čech for their contributions. I look forward to reading your blog posts! Dave C PS: The Galactic Blog replaces the former *Community Log* and includes all content from it (which is why, even though the blog is new, it includes entries back to 2013). --
participants (1)
Dave Clements