Delete a record from a Tool Data Table via the Galaxy API
Hello, I'm working on adding a feature to blend4j (java interface to the Galaxy API) to access Galaxy Tool Data Tables. My repository is here: I'm working on a method that deletes entries from Galaxy Tool Data Tables, but I'm having some trouble with the API calls. How can I construct a DELETE api call on an entry in a Tool Data Table? For example, how could I delete hg38 from the "igv_broad_genomes" tool data table (using Postman or curl or whatever HTTP client)? Specifically, how do I pass the extra argument(s) besides the table name (id) that goes in the URL? In bioblend, we pass "a “|” separated list of column contents, there must be a value for all the columns of the data table" I can see the "igv_broad_genomes" tool data table when I send a GET request: GET /api/tool_data/igv_broad_genomes { "model_class": "TabularToolDataTable", "name": "igv_broad_genomes", "columns": [ "name", "url", "value" ], "fields": [ [ "A. baumannii str. ATCC", " ", "ABaumannii_ATCC_17978" ], [ "A. baumannii str. AYE", " ", "ABaumannii_AYE_uid61637" ], ...(removed for brevity)... [ "Human hg38", "", "hg38" ], ...(removed for brevity)... ] } The closest I've got is to send this: DELETE /api/tool_data/igv_broad_genomes Content-Type: application/json { "values": "Human hg38\thttp://\thg38" } I get the same JSON description of the original Tool Data Table, including hg38: { "model_class": "TabularToolDataTable", "name": "igv_broad_genomes", "columns": [ "name", "url", "value" ], "fields": [ [ "A. baumannii str. ATCC", " ", "ABaumannii_ATCC_17978" ], [ "A. baumannii str. AYE", " ", "ABaumannii_AYE_uid61637" ], ...(removed for brevity)... [ "Human hg38", "", "hg38" ], ...(removed for brevity)... ] }
participants (1)
Dan Fornika