System developer position available at the University of Oslo, Norway (Galaxy/HyperBrowser work)

Dear Galaxy developers, The University of Oslo is in the process of hiring a system developer that will partly work on Galaxy-based infrastructure in the context of the ELIXIR infrastructure project, and partly as a developer of the Genomic HyperBrowser and related Galaxy-based analysis software. Please see attached information. The application deadline is very soon: Sunday the 9th of March. Please apply or contact us if you are interested! Regards, Sveinung Gundersen, PhD --- Head Engineer: System developer - ELIXIR infrastructure project/ Bioinformatics core Facility --- Position as Head Engineer, SKO (1087) available for a systems developer as part of the national Elixir project, at the Oslo node, having office at Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. It is a full time position for one year, with possibilities for prolongation. Starting date as soon as possible. The position will be located at the University of Oslo, with possible visits at local Oslo user sites as per arrangement. Languages: Norwegian or English. The ELIXIR project is a part of the recently established European bioinformatics Research infrastructure project (, The position will also be an integral element of The joint Helse Sør-Øst/UiO bioinformatics core facility, consisting of a group of service personnel with a broad combined bioinformatics competence. We provide services to users in the Oslo region, with an emphasis on the biomedical community. For further description of the range of services provided, please consult the Core Facility web page: Job Description: The successful candidate will be expected to be part of the service team, as well as to undertake development tasks within the core facility infrastructure. An important such task will be to participate in further developmental team effort of the Genomic HyperBrowser (, a software system catering to statistical analyses of massive genomic datasets. The aim is to find statistically and biologically significant relations between experimental genomic datasets, typically stemming from high-throughput genome sequencing. This system has been developed in Python (> 90.000 code lines), using NumPy for efficient vector calculations and Rpy2 for connecting to the R statistical platform. The HyperBrowser system has been used in a range of bioinformatics and biomedical research projects, both nationally and internationally, and is also the basis for a growing number of master projects in the Department of Informatics. The initial ELIXIR.NO infrastructure, as well as the HyperBrowser system, is based upon the Galaxy framework (, which is a leading framework for accessible, reproducible and transparent biomedical research. Setup, tool development and some maintenance of Galaxy installations will preferably also be a part of the position. Qualifications: We are seeking a candidate with a Baceholor level degree (or higher) within computer science and with an interest to work in bioinformatics. Competence within biology or bioinformatics is a bonus, but not a requirement for the position. Prior learning relevant for the particular tasks can compensate education requirement. We are a looking for a candidate with solid experience in Python or other high-level programming languages, furthermore competence/experience in the following areas is desirable: • Algorithms • System architecture/design patterns • Agile/extreme programming • Statistics • Linux Salary: Pay grade 52 – 60 (NOK 435 100 – 499 200 per year) (depending on competence) Application should contain: • Application letter • CV (complete overview of education, work experience and academic work • Copies of educational certificates, transcript of records and letters of recommendation • Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate and telephone number) Foreign applicants are advised to attach an explanation of their University's grading system. Please remember that all documents should be in English or a Scandinavian language. In accordance with the University of Oslo's equal opportunities policy, we invite applications from all interested individuals regardless of gender or ethnicity. UiO has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o Region: Oslo Job type: Contract Working hours: Full-time Working days: Day Application deadline: March 9, 2014 Location: Blindern Reference number: 2014/1036 Home page: Contacts: • Head Engineer Sveinung Gundersen, E-mail: sveinung.gundersen (at), Telephone: +47 22840862 • Professor II Eivind Hovig, E-mail: ehovig (at) --- More information about the position and application form:

Hi Galaxy devs, We're deploying Galaxy on the Michigan State HPCC and doing it as a hack-a-thon today. Our authentication is Shibboleth and our scheduler is Torque/Moab, and we're setting it up with 'run as user' with a shared file space /mnt/research/galaxy To set up we've installed base images, set up firewall rules and set up the authentication for Galaxy We're documenting and communicating with a HipChat channel that anyone can join. and some live Tweets #msugalaxy If anyone wants to hop in the room during the day, we'd be happy for comments, feedback or just general camaraderie. We're already really grateful for the Galaxy docs and dev community, and we probably will have some questions that we'll post to the list during the day as well. Hopefully by the end we'll have some useful perspective for getting Galaxy up on an HPCC system like ours that we can share with others too. We're excited to get Galaxy up and running on our cluster! Best, -Tracy ---- Tracy K. Teal Research Specialist Institute for Cyber Enabled Research Michigan State University
participants (2)
Sveinung Gundersen
Tracy K. Teal