[Fwd: Re: ucsc browser/galaxy for teaching]

---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: Re: ucsc browser/galaxy for teaching From: "Robert Kuhn" <kuhn@soe.ucsc.edu> Date: Thu, May 14, 2009 8:27 pm To: albin@binf.ku.dk kuhn@soe.ucsc.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, albin, Just a heads-up for you. I have been sending some queries to galaxy to test that ttraffic from them is free to get through (we would see your queries via galaxy as coming from them), and I see that their site seems to be a bit stalled. my data queries are queued up but not being executed. I emailed anton at PSU about it, so maybe he or one of his people will see it before you need it. We'd like to be sure that any group of potential users of either site has a smooth time of it! BTW, it is no longer necessary to worry about a class being blocked if the traffic comes directly to ucsc. we have implemented a system that now distinguishes individual machines, rather than whole IPs, so interactive use in a class should be fine. Problem is, interactive use of a class using galaxy would likely be seen as all coming from one machine at PSU to us. do let us know if you have any trouble and we'll try to help for your second class. all the best, --b0b
From albin@binf.ku.dk Thu Apr 16 09:14:26 2009 To: kuhn@soe.ucsc.edu Subject: ucsc browser/galaxy for teaching
Dear Robert, I hope you might remember me from the Encode pilot. I am now at Copenhagen University, heading a small group.
The reason for me writing to you at this time is that we have a course which, among other things, use galaxy and the ucsc browser heavily at some lectures. We experienced last year that all the users got cut off after a few minutes while using galaxy (but this only happened when >5 users were online). My colleague Rasmus Nielsen let me know that you were able to help him with a similar issue a while back, so I hope you can help me with this as well.
Specifically, would it be possible to let our IP address ( stay alive the following dates? PET time From To Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 11:00:00 PM Friday, May 15, 2009 at 3:00:00 AM Monday, May 18, 2009 at 11:00:00 PM Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 8:00:00 AM
I would be very grateful for your help! Albin Sandelin
Albin Sandelin, Associate Professor, PhD The Bioinformatics Centre Department of Biology & Biotech Research and Innovation Centre University of Copenhagen
Email: albin@binf.ku.dk, albin.sandelin@gmail.com
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