logged in as 'user2' externally, but has a cookie as 'user1' invalidating session

Hi all, happy new year ! I finally manage to connect my Galaxy instance with my NIS service for external authentication but I have a few questions about it : - when I log in with another external account I get the following warning : "galaxy.web.framework.webapp WARNING 2016-01-05 11:52:24,741 User logged in as 'user2@example.fr' externally, but has a cookie as 'user1@example.fr' invalidating session". I don't know if it's related to the Apache settings or to the browser. Is it a problem or just a warning that I may ignore. - a new history is created each time I log in. I have to go to Saved History to get the last History I made. If I log multiple time, I get multiple empty unnamed History. Is there a way to see the last history when I open the session, or at least to get only one unnamed History ? I saw this post http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Unnamed-histories-td4655112.html. Has this ticket been treated ? Or does anyone manage to find another solution ? Thanks in advance, F.T
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