BOSC/Broad Interoperability Hackathon: potential dates

Hi all; Open Bio regularly organizes hackathon coding sessions in conjunction with the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference. The goal is to get together biologists writing open source code, provide a room and internet, and encourage fun collaborative coding. We've had successful two day Codefests the past three years: This year, the Broad Institute kindly offered to host a two day Hackathon in Boston during April. We've proposed three sets of dates: April 4-5th, Thursday and Friday before Bio-IT April 7-8th, Sunday and Monday before Bio-IT April 22-23rd, Monday and Tuesday If you have interest in attending, please fill out this Doodle poll to let us know which dates work best: If you can find funds for travel and hotel (or are local to Boston), the event is free and everyone is welcome. As we finalize dates, we'll send around additional details. Thanks everyone, Brad
participants (1)
Brad Chapman