March 2014 Galaxy Update Newsletter

Hello all, Find out what's happening in the Galaxy<> ! The March 2014 Galaxy Update<> include is out and highlights include: - 54 new papers<> - Who's hiring<> - Upcoming Events<>, including - Galaxy Australasia Workshop 2014 (GAW 2014): 24-25 March<> - Globus World 2014<>, April 15-17 - Registration<> and abstract submission<> for the 2014 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2014)<> are open - One new and one returning public Galaxy server<> - Feb 10, 2014 Galaxy Distribution<> - Tool Shed Contributions<> - Other News<> If you have anything you would like to see in the next *Galaxy Update <>*, please let us know. Thanks, Dave Clements and the Galaxy Team<> --
participants (1)
Dave Clements