GalaxyAdmins Feb online meetup

Hello everyone, We are going to have a GalaxyAdmins call this month! This is a wonderful venue to get an update on what's going on in the Galaxy community as mostly relevant to people managing Galaxy instance(s). The talk will be held at the 'standard' GalaxyAdmins time: on Feb 16th at 11AM EST. Here is a short description of the topic that will be presented: CloudLaunch is an application for launching Galaxy on the Cloud instances. In this talk, an all-new version will be presented. The new CloudLaunch ( allows multiple flavors of Galaxy to be deployed, Docker images or applications other than Galaxy. Each application can have its own custom user interface developed to accommodate the specific application needs, which will be demonstrated. The call will be held online, using an online meetup room with Adobe Connect. The online conference room will open 15 minutes before the meetup. The call will use Johns Hopkins' Adobe Connect server, which in turn uses Adobe Flash. You are encouraged to connect a few minutes early to work out any unexpected bumps.
participants (1)
Enis Afgan