IUC Hackathon - Conda dependencies

Hi! On monday 04/04, @bgruening <https://github.com/bgruening> and some members of Galaxy team (me and @nitesh1989 <https://github.com/nitesh1989> at least) would want to get a Hackathon on adding IUC / Devteam tools Conda dependencies. Hackathon begins at: 2pm (UTC-4) / 8pm (UTC+2). It will be as following: - @bgruening <https://github.com/bgruening> will give a small introduction how to create a recipe and the scripts involved in it] - Introduce everyone to conda and bioconda - Then we pick a simple tool and create it - @bgruening <https://github.com/bgruening> will provide a list with bugs that needs to be fixed on the framework level Aims: - get familiar with conda packaging the conda-Galaxy integration - remove tools from the testing blacklists: 1 <https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/blob/master/.tt_blacklist> 2 <https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-devteam/blob/master/.tt_blacklist> 3 <https://github.com/bgruening/galaxytools/blob/master/.tt_blacklist> - Integrate Travis-conda testing in GalaxyP - Integrate Travis-conda testing in galaxy_blast (@peterjc <https://github.com/peterjc>?) Infrastructure work: - galaxyproject/galaxy#2047 <https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy/issues/2047> - condarc is update if you add new channels, but you can not remove channels - conda is not working in the Galaxy Docker image - bioconda needs to archive all tarballs to depot.galaxyproject.org - Galaxy Admin support to remove environments Let us know <https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/issues/700> if you are interested :). Regards, Bjorn, Remi and the Galaxy Team
participants (1)