Re: [galaxy-dev] How to use https protocol

Hi Nate, Biomart is running in https address, and i installed Galaxy in https address too. And, i want to include this Biomart on the data sources of Galaxy. But, the data from Biomart don't exported in Galaxy, because he want to connect in http (not https) to retrieve the results. Thanks for help, Aminah, -- Aminah Olivia KELIET Ingenieur d'études en Bio-informatique Unité de recherche en Génomique-Info INRA Centre de Versailles Route de Saint Cyr 78026 Versailles Cedex email: url: tel:

Aminah Keliet wrote:
Biomart is running in https address, and i installed Galaxy in https address too. And, i want to include this Biomart on the data sources of Galaxy. But, the data from Biomart don't exported in Galaxy, because he want to connect in http (not https) to retrieve the results.
Hi Aminah, Assuming you're using Apache to proxy Galaxy, you'll need to set the following header in your proxy VirtualHost so that Galaxy knows to generate https:// URLs: RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https I've added this information to the wiki: The Biomart URL can be changed in tools/data_source/biomart.xml: <inputs action="" check_values="false" method="get" target="_top">

Nate Coraor wrote:
Assuming you're using Apache to proxy Galaxy, you'll need to set the following header in your proxy VirtualHost so that Galaxy knows to generate https:// URLs:
RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
I've added this information to the wiki:
The Biomart URL can be changed in tools/data_source/biomart.xml:
<inputs action="" check_values="false" method="get" target="_top">
Hi, Thank you for these informations. I try to set "RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https" in Apache config, but i get one error such as: " serve() got an unexpected keyword argument 'RequestHeader'". I think that this parameter isn't on the good place. Where is the file which must contain this parameter (RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https)? Thanks for help, Aminah, -- Aminah Olivia KELIET Ingenieur d'études en Bio-informatique Unité de recherche en Génomique-Info INRA Centre de Versailles Route de Saint Cyr 78026 Versailles Cedex email: url: tel:

Aminah Keliet wrote:
Thank you for these informations. I try to set "RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https" in Apache config, but i get one error such as: " serve() got an unexpected keyword argument 'RequestHeader'". I think that this parameter isn't on the good place. Where is the file which must contain this parameter (RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https)?
Hi Aminah, Did you set this in universe_wsgi.ini? It belongs in your Apache config file, the path to which varies by installation but it's often httpd.conf or apache.conf in /etc/apache, /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd. I assumed you were serving via an Apache proxy since you are already using https? Is this not the case? I haven't tried to make Galaxy serve https directly although I imagine it's possible since Paste (Galaxy's web framework) supports it. --nate

Nate Coraor wrote:
Hi Aminah,
Did you set this in universe_wsgi.ini? It belongs in your Apache config file, the path to which varies by installation but it's often httpd.conf or apache.conf in /etc/apache, /etc/apache2 or /etc/httpd.
I assumed you were serving via an Apache proxy since you are already using https? Is this not the case? I haven't tried to make Galaxy serve https directly although I imagine it's possible since Paste (Galaxy's web framework) supports it.
Hi Nate, Yes, I set this parameter in universe_wsgi.ini, because it contains all parameter used by HTTP server. I use already the https protocol in few tools, such as Biomart. I try again to working on this problem. Thanks, Aminah, -- Aminah Olivia KELIET Ingenieur d'études en Bio-informatique Unité de recherche en Génomique-Info INRA Centre de Versailles Route de Saint Cyr 78026 Versailles Cedex email: url: tel:

Aminah Keliet wrote:
Yes, I set this parameter in universe_wsgi.ini, because it contains all parameter used by HTTP server. I use already the https protocol in few tools, such as Biomart.
I try again to working on this problem.
Hi Aminah, I think perhaps I didn't understand your original question. Can you clarify? Do you run Galaxy at an http or https address? Are you trying to connect to Biomart at an https address? --nate
participants (2)
Aminah Keliet
Nate Coraor